Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Initiation - Just Do It!!

Executive Functioning and Completing a Task -

Planning - making plans for an activity
Initiation - taking the first step
Actually Doing -
Evaluation - carrying out the plans, monitor and self regulate
Changing/Improving - adjusting task as needed for improvement and success

After my Brain Injury, everyday tasks diminished until I sat like an old man or as though catatonia was moving in. Rising for work, before work plans were fully erased. Concentration, focus and following through on taken for granted tasks exist no more.

Going to bed and being able to sleep without the aid of medication. Sleeping nine hours and up to twelve hours. And naps are needed. Rising and doing more than a cup of coffee takes hours. With practice and determination I shower, wash a few dishes and sometimes make my bed.


I have been working with my therapist on a way to wake up / change things a bit. I am not fond of having medication being my Sherpa. It is true. Many known as being famous climbers would never have made it without the aide and assistance provided by the Sherpa. Medication, as well as a Sherpa, is required and can only do so much. For starters I am coming to recognize that I am not a mountain climber. I must start slow. Do something! Full responsibility falls not on the Sherpa. So the therapist suggested that I attempt a "Just do it" approach where I can.

And it works! Not easy. Small things, like regardless of how I feel, get up. Feed chickens. Do dishes. Make bed. Shower. Try adding a few other things. Seriously, it's not that easy. Catatonia calls.

I am one week away from my two year head injury anniversary. As a marked point I have a "Do It" plan. With imbalance, weakness and an ability to only now walk a block, I need to strengthen myself. I know how and what to do.

Tai Chi and Qigong simple warm ups.
Simple Feldenkrais movements.
Core strengthening Planking.

It's a start.

Just do it!

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