Thursday, May 12, 2016

Living the Simple Life - TBI

As we age we do find it effective to keep moving, to remain limber, to keep our muscles strong as we're able. As we age, we never look forward to the days moving slow, being tired and perhaps think about our life's story is coming to a close.

I am surprisingly in that boat now. It's from a brain injury and not from growing old. Looking back two years earlier, I could bemoan how my strength and passing as being years younger or riding my bicycle or my ability to rise at 5 a.m. and seize the day, has run away. Or taken from me.

I find it as having the least amount of progress in bemoaning. It is what it is. I do walk with losing my breath and stamina amazingly early. I do walk zig-zag more than I want to. As a once well controlled diabetic it is no fun in finding that it is one more issue to deal with.

I find it profitable to sit with my chickens and enjoy the day as they do. We watch for hawks and predators. It is what it is. When I am in a store or at a cruise night and a good tune plays, I dance and act silly. I'm having fun. It is what it is. Watching all the birds fly through the day or all the bats flying to eat, I watch. I enjoy.

Bemoaning is not natural. I am fortunate that my caretaker and my small family and my few friends let me be me. Sure, I lost much but I work on life, my life, today. Reality is now. It is what it is. I do work on enjoying the simple life. I am fortunate that way. Do what I can. Rest in falling short of what I once could do. Today will offer what it does as I do what I can. If my brain battery loses power by looking behind me and/or while looking forward as if I'm beg for a better hand being dealt, it's useless.

Let's deal with where we are and make the best of it. I know, it's not an easy task. When a loved one passes does it benefit ongoing grief? There is a natural progression.

Let's find it.

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